Biggest impact: moving from integrated to separates

I am slowly moving to separates from my Cronus Magnum integrated amp. So far, I’ve upgraded the Phono stage to a Pass Labs XP-15. I’m now looking for the next upgrade. I will need an amp and a line stage preamp. My budget is @ $3K and I am looking for the biggest bang for the buck. Which upgrade should come next? I would like anything I upgrade to have balanced connections (for linestage both ins and outs.)

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Showing 1 response by nycjlee

I owned the CM2 and its going to be hard pressed to find separates that can compete with the CM2 at that price range.  Also, unless your turntable phono cables are fully balanced, I’m not sure how much of an improvement your going to hear going with a fully balanced amp other than an increase in gain.  Are you sure your not happy? :) I would imagine your ZU speakers  would sound great with the CM2.

Although, I don’t own the CM2 anymore, it’s still an amp I think about and wish I didn’t sell.  If you’re looking to going fully balanced, I would save up for either Pass or Ayre equipment.  Rogue separates are a great value as well.  I would also look into Belles amps as well.  I think they are single ended amps but they sound great for their money. 

With that said, I wouldn’t rush into this decision. The CM2 is a wonderful amp that should keep you happy for a long time. Personally, if I were you, I would save up for higher end balanced equipment or consider upgrading your sources or possibly your speakers.  Either way, take your time and buy what sounds good to you.  

Good luck!