Black Cat Silverstar BNC to BNC

@ wig

Are you still mesmerized by this digital cable or have you found something better?

@ garrard

I think you are really going to like it and I didn't want to send my loaner cable back to The Cable Company...

@ shkong78

The Tron was tempting but couldn't justify spending that much for a SPDIF.


Season's greetings to all.

What the Silverstar 75 Mk.2 BNC to BNC does right out of the box is put the meat back on the bones of digital music and it makes a vinyl lover like me so much happier. The Jay's Audio transport is thus set free.

And yes, it makes beer taste even better (again).
"It is clear that the TRØN is superior in the background with the silky background and balance of the sound."

"There is a feeling that the sense of reality is more uplifted because momentum and dynamics expression before / after are wider, and propulsion is carried."


I upgraded to the Tron, due to urging from an audiophile friend.

"The Tron was tempting but couldn’t justify spending that much for a SPDIF."

It’s so good it will more than justify its price.

(assuming the rest of your system is capable of scaling to it)
does anyone know how the original silverstar compares to the mk2 version?  the reason i ask is i got agreat on the original.