Blind Power Cord Test & results

Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity teamed up with the Bay Area Audiophile Society (BAAS) to conduct a blind AC power cord test. Here is the url:

I suppose you can interpret these results to your follow your own point of view, but to me they reinforce my thoughts that aftermarket AC cords are "audiophile snakeoil"
"Pabelson I love discussions/arguments about technical discussions."

I think I may be retarded.
This all reminds me of the time I attended a Stereophile-sponsered exhibition/convention (which I believe they hold with some regularity). I was a salesperson at a high-end audio store at the time. At the show, they had one of those "can you tell the difference" events (repeated at least twice, as I recall).
In this case, the comparison was between a top of the line Adcom solid-state amplifier and another amp of a much higher price and, presumptively, of better quality. The test consisted of the playing of ten sets of two different auditions of the amps. Each set of ten consisted of our listening "blind" to two auditions and, then, writing down whether we thought that the particular audition was one of the two different amplifiers, or whether it had, in fact, been of the same amplifier played twice. We were told to write down "same", or "different" for each one of the ten sets of auditions. We were told to not try to identify which specific amplifier had played at each separate audition. Presumably, that would have confused us, utterly, or even, perchance, driven some of us mad.
It was a large room, of about two hundred people. I had the good fortune to be seated in the rear corner of the room. I had decided, counter to our instructions, that it would be more challenging, even, perhaps, subversive, to, indeed, write down the name of the specific amplifier that I believed played each time.
I made all my decisions within the first two seconds of each audition. The person seated next to me actually stood up and complained that my responding so quickly was distracting and confusing him. This pleased me because, as I am a philosopher, I'm in the business of distracting and confusing people.
To make a long story even longer, I was right nineteen of twenty times. (Naturally, I blamed my one mistake on the fellow seated next to me.)
How was I able to do this? Simple. I didn't try to hear any differences, at all. Instead, I relaxed into a near meditative state and concentrated on "listening" to how my body felt. I, then, immediately responded according to how my "mood" had changed the instant the music began to play--and, luckily, one amp made me feel better than the other. I kept my conscious mind nearly empty (something that I can do quite easily). Most importantly, I never left myself enough time to second-guess myself.
There is an instructive and brief Buddhist tale about a monkey who is so desperately thirsty that he sat by a stream and grabbed and grabbed at the flowing water such that he could never get a drink. But, as soon as he released his grip, the water flowed immediately and effortlessly into his cupped hands. Thus, his thirst was sated.
Don't grab at the river of music as it rushes by. Dip your hands in, let it pass, and you, too, can effortlessly drink from it, as you're caressed by its ebbs and flows. think that would work for nookie too or should I stick to my lucky shirt?
The first time I sat down to compare an "audiophile" power cord to a generic one, I was 100% sure I would find no difference. The idea seemed absurd to me. But listening to certain cords, such as those from Shunyata, quickly demolished that notion. Furthermore, I heard the same things that I subsequently read about in reviews.

This is to me more relevant type of blind testing than sitting through short selections. I was blind to the possibility of differences, and I was blind to the types of differences that others were hearing on these same cables.

I don't kwow whether the cord that was used for testing in this article has a substantial sonic signature or not. I am certain that I could prepare a test between two cords where listeners would hear little or no difference, because there isn't any apparent sonic difference between the cords. (I'm referring to sonic differences, not price differences ; - )

I've tried various pc in the past and most do change the sound one way or another. A/B doesn't work for me, it usually requires atleast 3-4 days for the differences to by fully noticeable. I have just in the past month went through three different pcs on my source. The first 3-4 days they all sounded very similar, with the only slight noticeable difference in the bass area. After 4 days or so, the differences became more apparent and each takes my system to a slightly different direction.
I don't know the technical workings of this (feel free to jump in Sean,) but I think it has something to do with the pc itself being electrically charged up. From my experience and imho, the neuances of each cord would only reveal themselves after this length. Any A/B comparisons that I have done prior to said time often yield inconclusive results. If I had only done A/B comparisons, I may have drawn the conclusion that they make no differences.