Bourbon and rock n roll

Any bourbon aficciandos out there? My bartender/musician/audio enthusiast buddy and I had a recent sampling of 3 bourbons. Four roses single barrel, makers, and old heaven hill. Price points 30, 20, and 10. Four roses is a big, bold, assertive bourbon with a prenounced spicy mid pallete, and a long finish. I liked this better than my friend did. It has an old school " frontier" profile but in a very refined manner. Makers was by far the sweetest, most caramel Apple flavour of the bunch with good smokey accents. However, it did lack the big spice profile of 4 roses, although it was smoother with a shorter finish. On the budget end, OHH retained the smooth qualities of MM, but it too lacked the spice componet. The nose was drier than MM, but still retained a nice smokey wood aroma. It was much closer to MM in composition, and for 10 bones one is getting a quality 8 yr bourbon for a great price. I preferred the Roses overall, with MM and OHH going kneck to kneck, with a mid 80s, B grade rating. Any other favorites? Turn up the Allman Brothers and rock my friends

Showing 1 response by bojack

Evan Williams Green. I notice that it has a nice, lingering "gets you ____ed up" profile with hints of grain and alcohol.