Break in period for power conditioners ?

Is there a break in period for power conditioners. I just put a Monster HTS 2000 in my system. Now it sounds thin and bright. Will this change? If there is a break in period, how long is it? Interestingly my TV looks better but my stereo sounds like .... it needs a doctor.
Most gods behave like spoiled, demanding, ego-centric children. They're always bringing plagues or smiting this and that when their "subjects" don't behave as expected. Especially when said subjects try to think for themselves. Looks like audio gods are no different.
Gross, that is! At least my powers are mental, no blood involved!

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I have found a dramatic difference using free-range chicken blood, but only if it is broken in first. I break the blood in on my RS beater gear. Golden Divine Supernatural Translucent XTC provides audio quality chicken blood. You can also order a magnitude of highest quality damping factor from them.
Stevenmj, I am surprised that a person so technically minded as you admits to using free-range chicken blood, just like the rest of us.

And using an old piece of RS gear to break it in! What a great idea (I had not even considered). Having read that excellent suggestion, I am on my way over to EBAY to search for one :~) .

I must admit I never knew that XTC supplied damping factor. I only knew about "English Settlement" and the other great releases they did on LP. Oh well, live and learn!