Break in period for power conditioners ?

Is there a break in period for power conditioners. I just put a Monster HTS 2000 in my system. Now it sounds thin and bright. Will this change? If there is a break in period, how long is it? Interestingly my TV looks better but my stereo sounds like .... it needs a doctor.
Gross, that is! At least my powers are mental, no blood involved!

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I have found a dramatic difference using free-range chicken blood, but only if it is broken in first. I break the blood in on my RS beater gear. Golden Divine Supernatural Translucent XTC provides audio quality chicken blood. You can also order a magnitude of highest quality damping factor from them.
Stevenmj, I am surprised that a person so technically minded as you admits to using free-range chicken blood, just like the rest of us.

And using an old piece of RS gear to break it in! What a great idea (I had not even considered). Having read that excellent suggestion, I am on my way over to EBAY to search for one :~) .

I must admit I never knew that XTC supplied damping factor. I only knew about "English Settlement" and the other great releases they did on LP. Oh well, live and learn!
So as not to make a mess on my hands I apply the chicken blood with tissues from the winey non believers who can't get over or accept the fact they can't hear a difference or leave the rest of the world alone because they can. I tried to use a page from a owners manual once but they nearly took my arm off, it was the page with all of the specs on it. ;)
Perhaps chicken blood is a good contact enhancer. There's one Audiogon dealer selling shark oil from Japan as a contact enhancer for $88 a small bottle*. Hey, I have shark oil a marine biologist friend of mine gave me and that's pretty sticky, messy, stinking stuff. The Voodoo also comes in small, expensive bottles...

*I wonder if it's authentic cold pressed like mine or hot pressed...