Bryston BCD-1 impressions?

Would owners of this CD player give us their impressions of its sound and performance?

Also, what they compared it with and how it stacked up against the competition?

The little press that there's been so far (a couple of paragraphs in Absolute Sound, a couple of reviews in Europe [Italy]) has been very positive, but I'm real curious to hear what Audiogoners have to say about their hands-on experiences.

I have a Hi-Fi+ (euro TAS sister rag?) review that rates it very well.

Very rythmic, engaging, etc...

built like a tank and voiced to please the music lover vs. the detail retrieval obsessive-compulsive types
i was not impressed with the bryston bcd1,i have listen to musical fiedlity a1-a5-cambridge 840c,they were the clear winner,,