Burn In on Aurender N100H

I just acquired an Aurender N100H.  It replaces a Sonos Connect modified by Wyrd4Sound.  After installation, I noticed a very "digital" sound and a lot more noise than I'd been familiar with while listening to the modded Connect.  The modded Connect was connected to my Schiit Audio Gumby via Digital Coax.  Aurender can only connect via USB.
How long do I need to burn this in to get a sense of the quality of the Aurender?  I have a 60-day return policy and if this unit doesn't improve exponentially it is going back.  I would appreciate hearing from anyone with a similar experience and how things worked out.
Also, any advice on the best USB cable for the connection between the Aurender and Gumby?

Showing 2 responses by falconquest

I purchased my N100H slightly used so it was already "burned in". The seller decided to move up to the W20. It came with a high end purist audio cable and sounds just fantastic. I cannot tell if it is the result of the cable but I have no complaints at all with the Aurender.
I agree with Dave. A good USB cable and a decent dac and N100H should offer great quality sound. Enjoy!