Burn In on Aurender N100H

I just acquired an Aurender N100H.  It replaces a Sonos Connect modified by Wyrd4Sound.  After installation, I noticed a very "digital" sound and a lot more noise than I'd been familiar with while listening to the modded Connect.  The modded Connect was connected to my Schiit Audio Gumby via Digital Coax.  Aurender can only connect via USB.
How long do I need to burn this in to get a sense of the quality of the Aurender?  I have a 60-day return policy and if this unit doesn't improve exponentially it is going back.  I would appreciate hearing from anyone with a similar experience and how things worked out.
Also, any advice on the best USB cable for the connection between the Aurender and Gumby?

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I would suggest researching the LUSH usb by Phaser Audio.  I tried several usb cables from the Cable Company (including some expensive ones) and the LUSH bested them all.  The most musical usb presentation I have heard.  They are very reasonably priced (about $330 for 1M).