BUSTED: UK company is raided for fake vinyl production

This is pretty interesting:


I wonder how much start-up costs there were with this and what their return on investment would be?  Seems to me, this is a very hard way to make money...

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

The REAL NEWS - huge wide vinyl growth rate! -  is as usual buried way down at the end-

Though still niche in terms of its size within the overall recorded music market, vinyl enjoyed another stellar year in 2016, with over 3.2 million LPs sold – a 53 per cent rise on 2015 and the highest annual total in a quarter of a century. The depth of this revival is illustrated by the fact that over 30 titles sold more than 10,000 copies in 2016, compared to just 10 in 2015. LPs now account for nearly 5 per cent of the album market.