Buying HiFi at credit, anyone?

Has any of you ever bought a piece of Hifi with money you knew you did not have? Not talking about a 4-payment free interest deal when you have the cash anyway, I am talking putting the purchase on a line of credit or worse credit card and repaying it over many many months with interests to pay?

If so, no need to give a $ figure but how many months of net income did this represent and how long did it take to pay back? any regret? do you think it is a sign of ultime hifi sickness or true passion (not mutually exclusive!).

Showing 1 response by viridian

Wake up, the government wants us to buy on credit to keep the economy humming along. Hey, the savings rate in the US has now gone NEGATIVE. As a group, we are spending.....ah, more than we make. The American consumer is just following the lead of the government. It's unpatriotic to not carry copious amounts of debt. And what better way to spend the money you do not have than on the audio gear that you do not need? But, a moment of sober reflection here, why not spend the dough on software? I know that software purchases are just a way to spend some small bucks while waiting for the new credit card to arrive so that hardware purchases can proceed, but with a $60,000 system and 85 CDs, they seem to be a necessary evil. I'm sure Krall, Barber and Cole are coming out with new records real soon. Maybe MoFi will make them in gold this time.