c-j prem 140

pulled trigger on new c-j 140.suggestions on preamps,ss or tube? have adcom gfp-750 now,with marantz sa-1 and aerial 10ts.also looking into mods on adcom,can anyone help with contact info.tried a# for s.warren for over 2 wks,no answer.must have wrong #.any help is appreciated.just as an aside,went from marsh 400 s to this tube amp.what might i expect?thanks for comments.

Showing 2 responses by rec

I have heard the Conrad Johnson 16LS Series 2 preamp with the 140 amp and it was an excellent combo with exceptional detail at both frequency extremes and a full rich midrange. I have the CJ 16LS 2 myself and looking at a possible amp change to the 140 next year.
I listened to the CJ 140 in my system: CJ 16 LS 2 pre, Sonic Frontiers SFM 160 monoblocks, Montana EPS speakers, Audiomeca Mephisto 11.X cdp, VPI Aries, JMW arm, Ruby 2 cartridge, Manley Steelhead phono, PS Audio P600 line conditioner and Discovery Essence wire. The Montanas are 92 dB and the SFM are 160 watts per channel so I find the bass quite adequate .