cable hum after thunderstorm.........

Hi all,
Had Thunderstorms roll through early today and now I cant get the hum to go away from my cable, if I pull the feed from the wall it goes away, is this a box issue or something outside?, I rebooted the box several times with no help, could a ground breaker for the cable from Radio Shack be the answer (this has happened before but went away., thanks
It's frightening how there's always some A'GoNer that'll catch my references, heheh.
Yup. Just like "blue balls, crabs and the seven year itch", you don't care why it's gone, you're just glad.
Hell if I know, and I doubt the cable guy does, but hey its gone so its cool with me.
I guess I should add I live in a rural city in Texas without a basement. My house ground is a 8 foot copper ground rod with a heavy copper wire running from the breaker box to the copper rod.
I live in an old house and have problems with the cable creating a hum with storms also. My cable originally hummed all the time. I reported a ground problem with Time Warner. Time Warner came out and attached the outside cable box ground to the main house ground. This fixed my hum problems except for when storms occur. I hope somebody will have an answer on this thread.
If it has come and gone before it is very likely moisture somewhere along the line. If when the weather clears and things dry up the hum goes away this is probably the cause. It happens all the time to telephone lines, especially in remote areas.
Had Thunderstorms roll through early today and now I cant get the hum to go away from my cable, if I pull the feed from the wall it goes away, is this a box issue or something outside?

Somewhere in the cable system where the cable attaches to your home or just inside your home is a lightning arrestor. If you have not experienced the ground loop hum before I would bet it is inside your home. Do you have a basement? check there. When you find where it is, you should also see a bare ground wire attached to it. Break down the ground wire connection, clean, reinstall, and tighten back down. Also why you are there unscrew the coax male F connectors ends from the arrestor and look for corrosion. If they look ok reinstall and tighten with a wrench or pliers. Next thing to do is follow the bare ground wire that is connected to the lightning arrestor to its other end. Good chance you will find it connected to a cold water pipe with a ground clamp. Break down the connection clean with sand paper and reconnect and tighten. Post back with your results.