cable match for Tyler's-Taylo Refences Monitors

Anyone have any expierience regarding cable selection for theses speakers?

PROBLEM SOLVED: The resonance of a (no longer in use)cabinet was literally draning the life out of the music (and my speakers). Since I have moved components, added some isolation tweaks to components, raised and/or isolated my cables, the speakers have never sounded better.

I did all the tweaks at once before listening, so I'm not sure which one added the most noticable diff., but what I can say is that these "taylo's" are in fact... amazing!!!!!!!
thanks...I here from many that these speakers are extremely neutral, But I'm wondering if my existing speaker cables arn't a tad too brite. I'm giving them a little while longer and have some other cables I can try too see if I'm imagining this or not.
I'm using some old AudioQuest probably equivalent to their CV4 that sounds great.