Cadillac of Turntables?

While watching the new FOX show 'Grandfathered' I noticed a Cadillac commercial that showed a VPI turntable with a 3D printed tonearm! I backed up the DVR, paused at the clip, then wondered, "Huh...does that make VPI the Cadillac of turntables?"

Interesting how I see more and more turntables on TV these days. And now, high-end models. Love it!

Showing 2 responses by stringreen

The Cadillac is in flux. My father's Cadillac was a piece of junk, the new ones are going after the BMW crowd.
Whart....Fiat/Chrysler doesn't own Ferrari anymore. Just a couple of days ago there was an IPO for Ferrari - now a separate company. I was going to buy in, but found out the asking price....