Cambridge 840C, YES it is as good as the reviews

Yes, I just received this player and can honestly say this is the first time the review was spot on. This is easily the best bargain in digital audio bar none. This player is in my mind and my musical tastes as good as it gets for under $5k or maybe more with the exception of the Resolution Audio Opus 21. It is that good.

I agree 100% with the review in absolute sound....the highs are to die for, the imaging and spatial presentation is that of a mega dollar player. The only drawbacks I can find is a slight lack in definition of low bass....but I only have 15 hours on the unit!! I fully expect that to clean up over time. This thing is the real deal.........
Sunset ranch,

I am assuming your demos were with redbook for all the players? Also, did you prefer the Krell over the SA-10?

Thanks, I am always interested in opinions.
Ludimagis - I got mine from SpearitSound as well. Great price and they were extremely helpful.

Sunset_ranch - I think the 840c is an amazing player for $1395, and can take on most anything twice that price. But, Harley's review in TAS stating that it's the best CDP he's heard under $5k was a bit over the top and cost him and the 840c a bit of credibility IMHO.

Be that as it may, I do think it's a contender in the under $3k range and if your budget is under $2k it's a must try.

Yes, I agree with your comments regarding the CA 840c and the TAS review. I have recently heard quite a few sub-$5K CD Players, that in my opinion, come very close to the performance of near cost-no-object CD Players, that rightly deserve the node/endorsment that TAS gave to the 840c. But yes, for a fully-balanced CD Player under $2K the 840c may be it, and possibly up to $2.9K, then the Ayre CX-7e (and Sony SCD-XA9000ES) takes over from there.
I auditioned the Cam. Audio 840C at Tweeter on a Krell/Martin Logan system. There wasn't another decent CD Player in the room to compare it against, so I asked the Salesman to hook-up the Krell Showcase DVD Player that was in the room playing a Movie. The Salesman predicted that the Krell Player would be the better of the two, and it was, by a significant margin, plus it also plays DVDs. Both Players were connected via the same make and model Balanced ICs and plugged into the same power-strip.
I believe the Krell Player retails $4,000-
Has anyone been able to compare the 840C to the Arcam
FMJ 33 or 36? I was wondering how Arcam stacks up against
equally priced CD Players.