
Responses from mdconnelly

New Von Schweikert VR 33?
When you say that Albert can do a few upgrades, can you comment on what and did you upgrade yours? Just being curious. I've had the VR-35s now for maybe 5 months and after they broke in, I've been extremely pleased. 
Aerial 10T MK2 switch to active xover and/or more?
I've been a long time owner of the 10Ts driving them with a McCormack DNA-500 amp. I can tell you that placing these speakers too close to a rear wall will definitely muddy the bass. I have mine on the long wall of a 24x12 room pulled out about 15... 
Know anything about the BSG Technologies QOL?
So I've been googling around what is available and how BSG Technology hopes to market this product and the underlying technology (all very cool stuff!).Here's a question... while it is stated that it is not processing the musical signal, it clearl... 
AudioEngine 2 vs AudioEngine5?
I really like the A2s for their sound and portability. While they normally sit on my desk at home, when I go on vacation, they're easy to pack along with my Squeezebox. 
Benchmark DAC1 Pre vs. Bel Canto DAC3
Can anyone speak to the quality of the analog section of the BM Dac1 Pre? While 80% of my listening is digital from either a CDP or Squeezebox, I still love to spin vinyl. Benchmark has made it's name on its DAC, but just how good is the analog se... 
Wadia 830 or Cambridge 840C
I've owned both a GNSC modded 830 as well as the 840c. There's no doubt that the 840c is an excellent CP player for the money with an excellent set of features (digital in, digital out). But... my GNSC modded 830 was exceptional. I sold it because... 
What power cord with the Cambridge Audio 840C?
I had very good luck with the Black Sand Silver Ref. 
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?
I plan to keep my McCormack DNA-500 for life... really. Well, or until I replace it with something better - whichever comes first.Seriously, I love this amp and right now everything else I own is more likely to be replaced sooner. But then, I have... 
McCormack DNA-500
I agree that if the CJ350 didn't do it for you, neither will the DNA-500. Did you try the CJ in your system? What are your components & cables? I know my DNA-500 easily conveys upstream changes so I suspect the culprit is likely hiding there. 
McCormack DNA-500
Awhile back I switched from a Levinson 331 amp to a DNA-500 and it was a huge improvement across the board. I've got Aerial 10T speakers so the additional power of the McCormack really made the 10Ts sing. As Tvad stated... very neutral and very ba... 
Cambridge Audio 840C
Kiwi, I've got a modded Tact 2.0s which has a modded DAC as well. The room correction of the Tact has done wonders for my listening room (which doubles as our living room hence no room treatments allowed ;-).The 840c as a transport into the Tact w... 
On the Fence with Analog Vs. Digital. Need Help
I love vinyl and listen to it frequently, BUT... you really can't beat the convenience of digital particularly with hard disk servers and solutions like the Squeezebox.When I want to turn out the lights and just soak it in, I usually turn to vinyl... 
Isolation Devices for Digital
Rotarius, can you point to some of the "real isolators online" you reference? There are a ton of products with a wide range of effectiveness, but I suspect you're not talking about the products targeted at audiophiles. Just curious... 
Isolation Devices for Digital
Rotarius - one man's drain is another man's transmit.I just meant that some isolation devices are meant to act as dampers between the equipment and whatever it's resting on. Others such as cones are designed to transmit (drain?) vibrations to what... 
Isolation Devices for Digital
I wrestle with devices that dampen versus those that drain such as cones. With speakers, I find that tight coupling to the floor does much better than dampers. With equipment such as CD players I've had mixed results. Definitely had more success w...