Can a component after complete breaking reverse ?

Can a component such as cables,amps etc after complete breaking in reverse themself to become unbroken-in again ?
Cardas states that after break in do not move the cables, does this means that if they are moved the cables will return to their original form ?
Thank you for any facts about this matter.
Most times when I move IC or spk. wires around, it does take some time for sound quality to return to where it was before.(Smoother/warmer sound w/greater bass and generally less brightness.) Why that is so, I do not know. I don't think cables completely revert to their original state unless they haven't been used for some time.
Agree completely with George Cardas and the explanation given by Kotta.

Cables don't go back to the start of break in but they do change when moved, shipped or re terminated. The good news is, once a cable is broken in it returns to 100% pretty quickly with just a little music.
Capacitors require recharging after being unused and discharged, so amps and preamps usually require a day or so to recharge their caps.
Cables do lose something when moved or not used much. Some cables use a grounding type that needs to settle in after moving. Putting a CD on in repeat when you're not otherwise listening to your system will keep cables formed properly. There are some CD's with tracks for this particular purpose such as the Sterophile Break-in CD.