Can a manufacturer post replies & discussions?

Hi Audiogoners and Moderators,

I am a manufacturer of high end audio accessories. As such, am I allowed (according to Audiogon guidelines) to post responses to questions that pertain to my field of vibration control? I know these forums are not meant to be a form of advertising and I don't intend to promote my products here but I want to make sure that any responses I post do not "cross the line". I expect that I wouldn't be allowed to name any of my products directly. Is that correct? What about discussing, and maybe being critical of, other philosophies of vibration control that are at odds with mine or products that are not executed well? If I would do so I would not discuss any other company's product specifically by name but by the general design pricinples.

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thank you.

Barry Kohan

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I for one, would welcome such responses, as long as you identify yourself and any possible perceptions of conflict of interest each and every time you post. If you follow the above guidelines I see no harm in mentioning your products by name, in fact it might actually be a good idea.