Can I use integrated as standalone pre and/or amp?

My main system is suffering from a weak left channel, especially noticeable at low volumes. I've ruled out source as the culprit, as the problem exists with both turntable and CD player. I've also checked and double checked to make sure all connections are secure, and even swapped interconnects. With source and interconnects ruled out, that leaves either the amp or preamp.

I don't have another amp or preamp to slot in for the purpose of ruling one or the other out, but I do have a Marantz PM6004 integrated in my secondary system. Can I run my preamplifier into a source input on the integrated, thereby using it as an amplifier? Or, could I possibly use the integrated as a standalone preamp by connecting my amp to the recorder out jacks? (Sorry if these are silly questions.)

If using the integrated won't work, does anyone have a guess as to what might be causing my weak left channel?

My amp is an Odyssey Khartago Extreme, and my pre is a Decware CSP2+.

Thanks for your help.

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

Rischa, your Marantz PM6004 does not appear to have any pre out/amp in jacks like most integrated amplifiers have, so this probably won't work.

You CANNOT use the recorder out jacks directly into your amplifier, as this will provide full power output, with no volume control to regulate the levels. You may damage your speakers and amplifier (and hearing). You could conceivably run your preamp out into a source input, however, you would still be going through the preamp AND amplifier section of your integrated amp. Therefore, without the proper pre out/amp in jacks, there is no way to isolate the preamp section from the amplifier section of your integrated amp for testing.
04-08-13: Rischa
My wife thought I'd gone off the deep-end.

LOL! My wife figured that out years ago. :)