Canadian rock and roll

Got quite a few cool recommendations from the recent Australian rock and roll post. Now I think it would be interesting to search north of the U.S. border into Canada for rock and roll enlightenment. What are your favorite Canadian acts? Obviously Rush has a huge presence. For many years I have enjoyed Bruce Cockburn, Harry Manx, Blue Rodeo, and probably my favorite- The Tragically Hip. I think that the Hip are criminally under appreciated. Let's sip on a cold Moosehead and explore the great white north!

Showing 2 responses by maxnewid

If nothing else, with a name like the Absolute Whores, the band must have a good sense of humor! BTO and the Guess Who are certainly Canadian classics. If you aren't familiar with Blue Rodeo, you should check out their "Five Days in July" album. "Five Days in May" from that release has some tasty guitar work.
Just watched a live feed from the Hip's last show in Canada tonight. Very emotional, but man Gord Downie was brave to play for 3 hours in his condition. The Tragically Hip have an impressive catalogue of work and I regret never seeing them live.