Cartridge Demagnetization: Moving Magnet/Iron vs Moving Coil Processes

For years I have applied the old, very effective, demagnetization process for Moving Coils: put on a test signal record, detach phono cables, hold pin on one RCA to the can of the other for a minute and then reverse holding other pin to other can. Improvement is dramatic and immediate. Is there an equivalent process, (though not about degaussing the iron I suspect), for Moving Magnet/Iron cartridges with equal improvement results?

Showing 1 response by cleeds

"Moving Magnet cartridge must always be MAGNETIZED.
Do not do anything to de-magnetize it."
Well, yes and no.

It is safe to degauss a phono cartridge, but proper procedures must be followed. With a moving magnet cart, the stylus typically must be removed first, as explained in the Sumiko Fluxbuster manual. (The Sumiko was probably the first commercially-made cartridge demagnetizer.)

I have used the Fluxbuster for years and never had a problem. While the efficacy of these devices is the subject of some debate, they areĀ  safe when "used as directed."