Cartridge Demagnetization: Moving Magnet/Iron vs Moving Coil Processes

For years I have applied the old, very effective, demagnetization process for Moving Coils: put on a test signal record, detach phono cables, hold pin on one RCA to the can of the other for a minute and then reverse holding other pin to other can. Improvement is dramatic and immediate. Is there an equivalent process, (though not about degaussing the iron I suspect), for Moving Magnet/Iron cartridges with equal improvement results?

Showing 1 response by stevecham

I have to chime in here as, after many years of owning and enjoying both MM and MC cartridges, I no longer believe this demagnetization stuff at all. I had an Aesthetix Rhea for a couple of years and I used its demag function on both Lyra Delos and Helicon cartridges and not once could I detect any improvement in high end or other performance characteristics. And for MM cartridges, it’s nonsense.

Another set of snake oil canisters for purchase.