Cartridge load capacitance for Denon dL160

Hi. I'm concerned with Audience AU24 cable capacitance deducted from the cartridge load capacitance of a Denon DL-160 cartridge. I'm using a Manley Steelhead phono preamp which allows easy dialing in of load capacitance. I know that a 3 foot length of AU24 cable has 110 pf of capacitance. This has to be deducted from the cartridge load capacitance of a Denon DL-160 cartridge but I don't know what this is? Does anybody know the cartridge load capacitance of a Denon DL-160 cartridge? I've checked the spec sheet on this cartridge but I'm still uncertain. I have a Sumiko Blackbird cartridge too but I'm not using it at present (making do with the cheap Denon cartridge for now). Thanks.

Capacitance has no effect on moving coil cartridges. Capacitance matters with moving magnet cartridges.

Don't worry about it.
L, with it being so simple to change settings, just listen. You will most certainly hear differences.