Cartridge Recommendation

Hi folks. I'm helping a friend put together a two-channel system and could use some help on a cartridge recommendation. He has my old Systemdeck II with a Rega RB300 arm. Preamp will be an ARC SP16. Speakers are Proac D25s. When I owned the table, I think I ran a Garrott P77 which worked pretty well--but that was at least 10 years ago! I'd appreciate hearing particularly with those of you who have experience with the RB300 in a sprung suspension design. I'm considering Dynavector 10X5, Goldring Eroica, Garrott P77, Audiotechnica. I'm sure there are others that I'm missing. Thanks for the help.
>>you probably are aware of the ins and outs here<<

I can't stop laughing. You're a riot!!!
Stan,To "Riot" was the first move you had to make semantically,in your move at me when you decided that I was an "audio nong" you just had to diss.I have been a riot for most of my life.P.S I saw ya!
all are firm choices-HOwever-the ortofon super om 30 mm at 159.00 is wonderful at tracking and great with nearfield resolution.
I believe an akiva would prove very rewarding on the systemdek, budget permitting. The dek is a clasic beuty!