Cartridges for rear of stage orchestral resolution

Any recommendations for moving coils that provide excellent illumination/detail of instruments in the back rows of the symphony orchestra while preserving a weighty, powerful sound ?
Just out of curiosity, what are your system components and how are your speakers set up? getting the resolution you are looking for may require more than a cartridge upgrade.

Case in point - some electronics will blur that detail, as will improper speaker placement.
Your current cart may be doing more than you think. What are you using for a phono stage? Even with a 5K$$ cart, using a so-so phono stage will limit your resolution capabilities.

May also suggest you offer what pre amp you are using.

best J
Rsrex and Johnss: I'm currently using a Benz L2 cartridge, SME IV.Vi tonearm, VPI HW-19 Mk III table with specially made brass/aluminum tonearm board. EAR 88PB phono preamp is run directly to Air Tight ATM-3 monoblocks (with Tesla E34Ls, Ei Yugo 12ax7s and Mullard 12au7 "box plates"). Speakers are Dunlavy SC4s. I've adjusted the Dunlavys several times, and have the soundstaging/imaging where I want it. Interconnects: Ridge Street Poiema 3 and Synergistic Tesla Accelerator; phono cable is Audio Horizons Dimension; speaker cables AH Dimension and original Siltech LS-88 Classic bi-wired; power cords are Poiema Ridge Street Signature and Wegrzyn Copper Slam.
Rsrex is correct in that back of hall imaging is usually a function of the speakers and room acoustics. Although of course if this information was not in the original signal, it would not be possible to reproduce it.

The other area which you need to look into, and perhaps should do first before investing in another component, is to make sure that the TT, phono/pre, power and speakers are rigidly supported. Also that your cables are elevated/isolated from ground borne vibrations.