Cat-proofing your speakers...

Looking for ideas for large floor-standing boxes. Must completely protect front drivers and all exposed sides from sharp claws, but not veil the sound. Good WAF a plus!

Showing 11 responses by chadnliz

Cats getting harmed is hardly funny, cats can be trained. I have one still with claws as thats cruel to remove them and leaves cat with no defense should he escape. I should add that in 90% or more cases the cat is only as good as its owners effort, there really are no bad pets just ill equipped owners. Squirt guns, tinfoil, clickers, closed doors and sprays can work but all require owners to make time and effort to balance loving a cat and devolping its habbits.
Ok so lets hear your true point about John Wayne, I am waiting. In the meantime get over yourself there was plenty of off color jokes hinting harm to cats and I find that as offensive as you do Cancer. You do realize I didnt give JW cancer right? I will go on record and assure I had nothing to do with just in case you cant understand that. Cheers
If anyone comes over my house you would never smell a cat a dog or a bird, all coexist in my home.
Some surely are in poor and childish ways kidding about harming cats but sadly many are not and for those folks just remember bad things happen to those with bad thoughts so dont come crying when something happens to you or things you care about. There are no bad pets just bad owners with limited exceptions, you get out of them what you put in and time, love, patience, and effort cant be taken for granted. Cats are smater than dogs, you can teach most anything to come to you or sit even a person with severe retardation but cats choose what they will and wont do if you allow it. They for the most part are too smart to buy into the notion of pleasing their caregiver like dogs often do. The old saying is true, dogs have owners, cats have staff.
We got very lucky with our cat, he actually listens, comes, sits and follows better than our dog (who is great at it too). There are always the few that simply cant be trained but those are a small minority, those that dont listen are far more often the product of owners that have not put in the required time and steps to mold a great companion.
Tinfoil, squirt guns, clickers, positive rewards of affection and treats, sprays are all ideas to try. Catnip near stationary activity centers with scratch posts will likely train and draw the cat to an area thats is fun along with their own, everyone wins.
If thats so then I enjoy every minute of it, he is a great little companion.
So under your twisted logic it isnt "possible" nor "reasonable" to train or "mold" your dog not to poop or piss in your home but rather outside. Your arguement didnt last very long. A dogs normal reaction is to poop or piss when it needs to yet I am confident your dog was trained to go outside to do it, so much so I bet it knows to hold it for a reasonable amount of time while your away eager to dump its load seconds after you take or put her out at times. So whats your next logical claim? I am looking forward to it!
I think cats are smarter but they choose (and is arrogance) to not listen so thats why I happen to think they are smarter. I dont have a favorite as I adore both.
Has2be I am sorry, I am not use to checking that email account often and I was trying to have some fun with your comment. Its hard at times to see the intent in a post and thus at times a reply can be misguided. I am sorry.
The abusive comments directed towards cats got me started and stuck in hostile reply mode, its not funny, not harmless and not called for. Our cat came to us as a stray and still has burn scars and a bullet lodged in his ribs you can feel when you pet him. Some things are just not taken lightly. Cheers
Magfan. Dont you see how brilliant cats are lol? They have even made us note that we work for them, if thats not smart I dont know what is! They decide when to play, when its enough and what they will and wont do all along knowing EXACTLY whats being said. Thats true brilliance!