CD player suggestions for Krell & Vandersteen

Inquiring about cd players that would mate well with a Krell KAV-300i integrated and Vandersteen 2C's. 

I'm looking for suggestions at two price points: 

$250 or less

Can be new or used, but I'm figuring used will give more options. 


Ok, so I was able to audition the Apollo with my gear, and my assumptions were correct: Even though the Apollo sounded very good, it was too bass heavy on the low end, and a touch too bright on the top end (when using it with the 300i and 2c’s). These attributes caused the mids to seem laid back. I did like the soundstage and imaging though—wow!

That being said, I think I need a player (or DAC) that is dead-neutral in sound. Yet, at the same time is detailed, articulate and transparent—without being rolled off on the lows or highs. It all comes down to finding that right chemistry with the 300i and 2c's. From some of the reviews out there (and somewhat my budget) I keep thinking Cambridge 840c or Linn Mimik. Might have to try them out just to see for myself. As for DAC’s, I’m not certain what’s out there that would fit the description above—for the money. The only issue with a DAC would be a transport: all I have to use right now is a budget DVD player. But, I guess it will do the job for the time being.

I have a Krell KST 100 power amp and Vandersteen 2 speakers. What I have is a Rotel RCD 975 as a transport and I got a great deal on a Muse 2 dac. This is a nice combo for the money with no upper mid glare  or brightness. A 975 isn't easy to find these days but Im sure other cd players ill work just as well.