

Responses from digepix

From tubes to SS amp : Ayre, Belles, Pass or else ?
I like tubes but I wanted a cool running amp that had a tube flavor so I went with YBA. I'm using a YBA 3 amp with dual transformers into Vandersteen 2 speakers. I've heard YBA mate well with Audio Physics speakers and that may be something to con... 
MQA is Legit!
It my be legit but the first unfold to 24/88.2 or 96 sounds better to me. I have an MQA dac and I guess there's more detail but tone wise it sounds washed out. I'll take musical over detailed any day. 
Integrated recommendation with Vandersteen 2C
The too much bass problem I believe has a lot to do with not having the speakers on stands. I never listened to them on the floor but I would never recommend it. The YBA amp doesn't produce the same amount of bass as my Krell or Rotel amps but the... 
Integrated recommendation with Vandersteen 2C
Get the Sound Anchor stands first, nothing you do with the Vandersteens matters until you do that first.I play Vandersteen 2Ce with a YBA 2 power amp w/ 70w in a room your size and it's plenty. So the Sim Audio i5 should work. I also have a Krell ... 
New DAC not streaming hi res files
Does the dac do 24/192 with coax or just uusb 
iFi Nano Black Label upgrade
I have the ifi Nano LE but have it matched with tubes and Vandersteen speakers and it doesn't present as spare. What I would suggest is an NOS dac like the Metrum Acoustic Octave II. These days they think every dac has to have detail above musical... 
Parasound P5 + A23 vs Musical Fidelity M5si
I'm guessing the Music Fidelity is a digital amp where the Parasound is an analog amp design. It has to do with the type of amp design not the type of sources it can accept.  
Big vintage amps worth paying for and keeping for a long time
Octave Research OR-11986 85W/8 OHMS and never found a load it couldn't drive. 
CD player suggestions for Krell & Vandersteen
You could use your Pioneer as a transport if it has digital out, best way to save $. This Tascam is nice for $300 too. https://www.amazon.com/Tascam-CD-200BT-Professional-Player-Bluetooth/dp/B008224WPM/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF... 
CD player suggestions for Krell & Vandersteen
Here's a Muse 2 for sale.  https://tmraudio.com/components/d-a-converters/muse-model-2-dac-d-a-converter-model-two-hdcd/ 
CD player suggestions for Krell & Vandersteen
I have a Krell KST 100 power amp and Vandersteen 2 speakers. What I have is a Rotel RCD 975 as a transport and I got a great deal on a Muse 2 dac. This is a nice combo for the money with no upper mid glare  or brightness. A 975 isn't easy to find ... 
My old wavelength audio DAC is still usable
Your Wavelength dac is older and doesn't support MQA files. The files use a form of compression and when they arrive at the computer they need to be "unpacked."  
Web / Streaming Radio
For jazz I listen to Jazz 24 and for classical I stream Classic FM 90.7 out of Holland. Both are at high enough bit rate for me. 
Where do I start-amp or speakers ?
You can't buy speakers without considering what amp you will be buying. They work together or not. You have to hear them in combination or there's a chance you'll be disappointed. 
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017
I have a Krell KST 100 over 20 years, maintained not the best but so what. It plays well and stopped me from looking for the next best thing and thatt's all that matters.