CD-R's suddenly "unreadable".

I've been listening to CD-r's on my CEC TL-1X without any problems for the past several years. Within the past few weeks the same CD-R's have become unreadable on this transport. Ocassionally, if I start the CD on a later track, say track 10, and work my way back to track 1 with the remote, it will read and continue to play.
The manufacturer of the CD-R's are from many sources including Sony, Marantz, IBM, etc.

I checked the laser for dust and debris and all seems OK.

Any Suggestions??


Showing 1 response by ramstl

I have commented several times about the instability of CDR's, "see vaporware". These are not archival mediums! Depending on the storage, age and plain deterioration of the CDR, it could be disc's going bad! IMO, this is a serious concern that should outrage every consumer, but it appears nobody cares about throwing their money away on something that will last maybe 1-3 years.

.......and you thought cassette were bad.

Make sure your disc can be read on other machines before you blame the playback deck.