CDP-Tube Suggestions

Its tube time again. I would like to try out a different tube in my Jolida JD-100 tube output CD player. It uses a pair of 12ax7s but 5751s will work as well.

I am looking to try a "warm" sounding tube this time around. I am currently using the stock tubes, which BTW, I dont really know what they are. Warm and full vocals with a little taming of the highs is what i am after.

I have tried EH 12ax7s, NOS RCA 5751 blackplates, EI 12ax7s, GE JAN 5751s and found none of them to be all that "warm" in my system. Not that they arent good, I just want something different on the plate so to speak.

The stock Jolida tubes are definately more rolled back in the upper octaves but still sound a little dry, or not robust, in the mids. Especially vocals.

I am thinking NOS Mullards, but I thought I would run this one buy you guys and see what you all thought. Thanks in advance.
OK the Sovteks are in. I am trying the LPS first. I like it pretty well. Tonally balanced, nice deep bass, good leading edge on percussion.

I am curious the sound of the Sovtek LPS is very similar to the EH. The construction looks very close as well. Might these be the same tube with different branding?
I recommend going for the Sylvania Gold label triple mica blackplates. I cannot beat this tube, and still have a pair of GE triple mica blackplates as my back-up tubes. The Sylvanias are pricey, hard to find, and even harder to beat. My JD-100 came w/Sovteks, and I used them for only about 5 hours. Good luck on your tube rolling.

Also, I recommend upgrading the PC to a Chris VenHaus cryoed Flavor 1 PC. I feel you cannot touch it for the price. It made a huge difference overall, and esp. in the bottom end.

Happy listening.
Has anybody compared GE Non-5-Star triple micas to 5-Star triple micas? I have a pair of Non-5-Star and didn't know if all GE triple micas are the same before I popped for a pair but with the 5-Stars. I've found my Non-5-Stars to not be as warm as the stock ones, but definitely more detailed up top.

Russtom, I tried the two GE types and don't care for either. That may not be the answer you are looking for, but that is my opinion, w/ my gear.
I am currently trying the Sovtek WA's (12ax7). The LPS's stayed in for a while. I really liked them.

The WA's sound just a little bit more rolled back in the highs. Not much though. Its somewhat hard to put into words, but.....sounds/notes seem to "bloom" with the WA's. The bass isnt as pronounced as some of the other tubes. However, bass notes seem more differentiated. Less "one-note-itis." I like the the way the WA's do vocals. They are going to stay in a while.

I also have a pair of Shuguang tubes I will post my thoughts on these later.

After pulling the Sovteks LPS's and comparing them with the EH's, I realized how faulty my memory can be. Side by side, it is immediately recognizable that these are two different tubes. Though they do sound similar.