CDs Vs LPs

Just wondering how many prefer CDs over LPs  or LPs over CDs for the best sound quality. Assuming that both turntable and CDP are same high end quality. 
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Showing 1 response by yyman23

I love to feel and look of albums, and the large format artwork. It's nostalgia at its best. But nothing beats CD sound for me. Vinyl is like that temperamental crazy girl we all dated. Some days she's wonderful, some days she's breaking stuff up. I have 6 issues of Dire Straits "Brothers in Arms" and they all sound different. So, yes - CD's may sound a little colder. But you get consistency, clean sounds and no pops and cracks. To me personally, CD's a re that chill girl you date, and keep around for a long time. I've done plenty of A/B comparisons and some vinyl does sound different/better than CD, but most of the time in my opinion, CD wins.