CES 2003: Which products impressed you?

For those who had the opportunity to make it and for those who could not, fellow audiogoners please provide your feedback. Thnks

Showing 3 responses by sugarbrie

I also want to thank Albert Porter and Peter Schartzman (PeterS) for the fine dinner conversation on Friday evening.

Yes, Gilbert Yeung is a wild man. We talked about some preamp mods and a custom BC86 Noisehound for an ungrounded outlet.

I was also surprised when Gilbert saw my real name on my show name tag and knew I was Sugarbrie from AudiogoN.
(There are spies everywhere !!!)
Gumbei, I was at Blue Circle with Gilbert early and late on Friday. I have a couple crazy pictures also. He introduced me to Kevin as Sugarbrie, so Kevin knew also. George Stanwick of Stanalog Audio knew me both as me (I've referred him business) and Sugarbrie, but did not know the connection.

I also liked the sound I heard at Wilson Audio, Quad, Mission, Music Hall, Thiel, Van den Hul, Dr. Hsu's subwoofer demonstration, and many others.

It was also fun to get talk to folks like Bill "Conrad" and Lew "Johnson", Michael Chang (lightspeed), Steve McCormick, A.J. Van den Hul, Richard Vandersteen, Roy (Music) Hall, Dr. Hsu, and the son of Y.B. Andre (YBA) about the Passion Integre.