Circuit City is Closing, Liquidating

I know most of us here on this site probably don't shop there, but what impact other than the obviously painful loss of jobs. How does this bode for the other stores? More and better sales?


Showing 3 responses by tvad

A new company will come along to fill the void. Maybe two or three new companies.

It's the natural order of business.
Was Circuit City the king?

I always thought Circuit City was a poor place to do business. It would not be
the monarch of a realm in which I would choose to live.

Stores like Circuit City are large scale box movers that are selling commodity
items. Customers for these items are shopping on price alone. Circuit City
couldn't compete on price, certainly didn't offer any value-added services
from the consumer's standpoint, and now they're gone.
Have any posters in this thread bought televisions within the last three years? How about Tivo recorders?

Where did you buy them?