Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
I'm not about to read this whole thing, but in skimming thru, Fiddler makes a fine point.
Why DIDN'T the alledged healthcare reform include competition across state lines?

Any Constitutional Scholars out there? Wanna talk about the Commerce Clause?

It is all global. Oil companies drill in US for free on governement (common) land with all gov. subsidies (tax breaks) but can sell oil wherever they want. It was shown recently that US became net oil exporter. We still import crude oil but export a lot of oil products.

China is expanding in exponential rate. They're building 50 nuclear power stations, many solar power stations and became world largest car manufacturer. It might be smart to start learning Chinese.
China has some problems of its own. They are also becoming dependent on oil and so are subject to the same robbery-by-oil shiek as the west.
What some see as an 'advantage' by the Chinese in the form of just being able to build what they want without our (US) Enviro rules will eventually come back to bite them. I'd love to know what they plan to do with 50+ reactors worth of waste.
Well, at least with all this new man made input into global warming I may no longer need to head south to escape the cold weather when I retire.....
French Canadians making amps for South Koreans..
What a strange brave new world.
I'll stick to American and European. I heard though that Rowland sells most of his stuff in Asia too but hopefully he doesn't tune his amps to Korean, Chinese, Malai etc. ear. Any fans of Korean music here?