Classe move to China

I've just learned that Classe has moved production to China. Has anyone taken delivery of a Made in China Classe product?

Will moving to China devalue the brand? Will quality suffer?

I am thinking of purchasing the new CA-M300 monoblocks, but this move has me hesitating.
It's a global economy now and will become more so as time goes on. Its the natural progression of things. Other than complain, not much choice but to get used to it and adapt. Change is hard.
01-04-12: Mapman

Sad but true.... Europe is already in a recession and how deep it will be is any one's guess.

And because of the great Global Economy the USA will fall back into a recession. Deeper than the one we supposedly are climbing out of? Who knows for sure.....

One thing for sure a world wide depression will speed up Globalization Equalization. Instead of a slow sustained pain, the pain will be quicker..... Maybe only a decade or so.

Lot of talk here about Germany and the standard of living of her people.

Germany has strong labor unions.

How can that be? How do they compete in this global economy?

From what I have read the German's have a VAT tax on imported goods that enter the country from the likes of the US and China.
Import Tariffs? Ya, sounds like they got them too....

"How can that be? How do they compete in this global economy?"

They are GERMANS first last and always. They work together. And work and workers are respected in Germany. That's how.
It would be great to hear some facts regarding these 10 nuclear accidents that the US has had. Where and when? The radioactive liquid and gases at TMI were within the containment building. I'm not sure if you understand the way that building works, but it did it's job. As I said, facts would be great.

Imagine, that restaurant you own poisoned and killed many people. There are many lawsuits against you, but you announced bankruptcy, judge waived off any legal action against you (while restaurant still operates) and next day you register the same restaurant as a new business with the same name and owner. Impossible? GM did just that. Why would you even attempt manufacturing safe cars when you know that at the end nothing is going to happen to you.

In 1975 Toyota made safety standard for the rest of the world with Corolla - a car that can hit wall at 40mph without any injury to driver. At the same time similar exercise with Chevy Chevette virtually guaranteed dead of the driver.

Japanese did not put Coke bottles or nuts for a joke - they believed in what they were doing and it shows today.

We cannot even comprehend dedication to work they have. Manager of water supply in Tokyo committed suicide after being unable to provide water to residents.
You got a point Pubul57. I know there are tech manufacturers in China who can produce high quality electronic components. Out of country companies need frequent contact with them to insure standards are maintained.
"Where and when?"

1979: Three Mile Island, nr. Harrisburg, Pa.: one of two reactors lost its coolant, which caused overheating and partial meltdown of its uranium core. Some radioactive water and gases were released. This was the worst accident in U.S. nuclear-reactor history. (approximately 2.5 million curies of radioactive gases, and approximately 15 curies of iodine-131 plus 40,000 gallons of radioactive waste into Susquehanna River). Cleanup cost - $1 billion.

That's two major accidents. There were 8 others smaller accidents with deaths or steam release.
From what I heard Japan is changing and not a society of workaholics anymore, generally speaking. Many Germans are, in fact. Sickness goes around the world; it's viral in origin, I believe.
Let us be French for a change.
-04-12: Rok2id
"How can that be? How do they compete in this global economy?"

They are GERMANS first last and always. They work together. And work and workers are respected in Germany. That's how.
A little protectionism doesn't hurt......

Drop the VAT tax and Tariffs and see how long it takes for their great life to start to crumble.
Actually, I thought that the best overall country today was Canada followed by Sweden. So this Classe thing saddens me.

We probably just view unions differently. I view them as a parasite. If you view them differently, that's okay too.
"Let us be French for a change"

After God created France, he thought it was the most beautiful country in the world. People were going to get jealous, so, to make things fair, he decided to create the French.
Who am I to argue? You seem to have been there from the very first moment of creation.
Inna, joke aside I don't mind being French. Somehow they work shorter hours, have longer vacation, eat at the restaurants, have safe retirement and free healthcare - best in the world, according to World Health Organization.

Japan is not the country I'd like to live in, in spite of having nephew there.
No Japan or Japanese ways for me either. As for French - why not?
They are in debt too, by the way. What are they going to do about it, I wonder?
I'll take my good ol' American healthcare regardless of what the World Health Organization says. My U.S. healthcare experience has been exceptional. If anyone else wants to put a lot of stock in what a tentacle of the U.N. says, no problem - but I ain't buying it and will continue to feel very blessed to have the best healthcare in the world, IMHO.
To return to the original subject, it appears that the vast majority of us don't like that Classe move. And though some of us are almost communists, some shark capitalists, and everything in-between, on this point we do find kind of consensus despite different schools of thought.

Japan was good at taking some one else's idea and improving on it.

Even Japan's time has passed. She has been in stagflation for at least the last 20 years.

Part of her problem is greed of her multinational corporations.

Where does Sony make it products?

How about Honda small engines?

They moved production out of country to where the labor costs are cheaper. China, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia .....
Sound familiar?
According to their statistics we are at #37 just before Slovenia. Statistics include hospital errors, premature deaths, still born children etc. but it is not really that relevant since 40 million cannot afford any insurance at all. It is partially because it costs us twice more than in the other countries for the exactly same thing (we're suckers). Insurance is not really insurance when they find out that you have terminal illness. First you loose job then Cobra, then nobody signs insurance with you since your expenses are guaranteed and not statistical. It happened to Firefighter in my neighborhood - first he lost job, then insurance, then life savings and home (to voluntary pay for treatments) and finally died leaving family without a penny living under the bridge. Can you imagine that we have families that cannot afford prescription glasses for children or take them to doctor when they feel bad. We also have senior citizens that have to choose between food and medication. I have good job and insurance and recently had double insurance both medical and the dental but I am not selfish and just cannot watch what is happening to less fortunate because healthcare is treated like business. When healthcare is business it makes no sense to cure asthma because treating it brings more money. You need kidney transplant? - with no insurance you're not even in line for it. You cut yourself? - prepare needle and thread, many people do.
"vast majority of us don't like that Classe move"

- most likely. I was not happy either finding that my Metabo drill was made in PRC (they avoid word China as much as possible) since it was pride and tradition of making them in Germany. Quality wise drill is absolutely amazing. Many people have Audioqest cables being sure it is US made. After finding that Audioquest makes them in China for many years cables suddenly start sounding worse.

Jea48 - Yes, they got the same disease. The reason I don't care much for Japan is life governed by tradition and obedience. There is nothing sadder than watching Japanese Rock and Roll band with pretend moves and emotions. On the top of that government that always knows better, police that beats prisoners (while nobody minds) and your company that you have to share your private life with. Not for me.

If you want to get your healthcare from one of the 36 countries in front of us (according to the WHO), no problem. But for me, I'll take my chances here. I don't want the type of free healthcare offered elsewhere (and it's not free anywhere, BTW). I am very happy with the healthcare I and my extended family have received in the U.S. I have no desire to risk my life on WHO statistics.
The WHO statistics do not factor in the life styles of the patients. Maybe the rest of the world does not eat three meals a day at McDonalds. Maybe the rest of the world do not look like hippos. I think prevention and early detection is the difference. We may have the best medicine, but not the most intelligent / educated patients.
Fundsgon,I would for sure be worried in the short term about quality. Even if the were changing locations in the US, say Oregon to South Carolina, there would be a short learning curve as the locals perfected their craft.
I believe you are all better than your remarks suggest. Start a business and employ others. Teach others how to Do!

Capitalism is the carrot that keeps the horse moving. If it is fat and lazy the horse is less inclined to go anywhere. When WE are hungry again we will be OK.

Good luck.
When WE are hungry again we will be OK.

But will the sheeple have the stomach to revolt against the multinational corporations that own our government?

Or just keep complaining.....

Excellent point of view Acman3.

Jea48, take control of your life and you won't have to worry about multinational corporations. Make your own way. They can't stop you. Live the American dream.
So we're guilty of not being healthy? That's really funny.
That way you can explain absolutely everything. For instance: "Poverty is bad and people shouldn't do it"
Fiddler - As I read your posts I find myself wondering if your real name is NERO?

My world is not burning - maybe yours is. My business had a big year last year and has for the last 10 years. If things change in November, I think they will only get better.

I am not a victim and I don't believe in the victim mentality. Success is hard work. But I'm not afraid of hard as I believe my success in life is dictated by the decisions I make in life. If I make bad decisions, bad things usually happen. Good decisions combined with hard work usually produce a different view of the world.
Fundsgon,I would for sure be worried in the short term about quality. Even if the were changing locations in the US, say Oregon to South Carolina, there would be a short learning curve as the locals perfected their craft.
I believe you are all better than your remarks suggest. Start a business and employ others. Teach others how to Do!

Capitalism is the carrot that keeps the horse moving. If it is fat and lazy the horse is less inclined to go anywhere. When WE are hungry again we will be OK.

Good luck.
Its not a victim mentality to point out the fact that the playing field is not level when it comes to healthcare. People who need medical attention are NOT consumers. They have no choice in the matter. One reading of our Constitution, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" can easily be read as access to health care without going bankrupt. A basic human right which other countries have no problem in recognizing.

Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, LBJ and a host of other presidents from both sides of the political spectrum advocated for some kind of single payer, universal health care. All it would do is lower costs (premiums) and increase coverage. I really don't see the downside to all of this. There are many ways to do it with or without insurance companies but the common theme in any plan would be taking the profit out of the equation. Even the most xenophobic right wingers in Western Europe blanch as the idea of loosing universal health care. They consider it a right.

Its all how you look at it and what you've been conditioned to believe.

I have 25 employees. I pay all of our full-time employees health insurance and that's with the most expensive PPO, not a much cheaper HMO.

I personally don't want the government dictating my healthcare to me and I suspect my employees may agree. All we need to do to dramatically bring the cost of health care down is to allow competition across state lines. Competition is the great equalizer.
I think the answer would be a government plan that only covers catastrophic care. No one seems to mention that. You get cancer or demetia, the government plan kicks in. You break your leg playing ball, that's your problem. Children runny noses, your problem etc..... that would lower the cost. If you make it totally free, it will be abused as it is and has been the world over.

You're a generous man and your employees are lucky to have someone like you.
Right now we have insurance hacks denying coverage. Policies that appear to cover you but don't. An 'agent of the state' wouldn't go to work in drab grey overalls and a Mao cap with the express purpose of replicating and exceeding the denial rate that insurance companies do now. Coverage would expand. Doctors would still make killer salaries. You could go to any doctor you want which would make them better healers otherwise you'd go somewhere else.

As for state lines, all that would do it cause a giant sucking sound as all the insurers would go to the state with the least restrictive operating requirements. They would be able to screw someone from the other side of the country without fear of legal reprisals.

There is a middle ground that would work. The sky wouldn't fall, the earth wouldn't open up, mass hysteria wouldn't ensue. It would be so quite as to make one wonder what all the fuss was about.

Check out Wendell Potter, former corporate vice president of communications for CIGNA and what he has to say about the business he used to work for. It will give you pause.
Rok2id - That would be step in the right direction and I agree there should be some deductible but in many countries it is completely free and it works just fine being much more effective than our health care. I hear often this mantra "Our system is the best in the world" but there is no data to back it up. It is insurance companies propaganda to protect their interest. The truth is that in the world of business doctor has no incentives to make you healthy. He makes more money when you're sick. Objective is just wrong. I went few times to doctor who doesn't recognize me, writes things in the file during conversation but next time doesn't even read it. Elderly people who cannot afford medication go to Canada with prescriptions to buy exactly the same brand for 1/2 the cost getting it confiscated at the border on the way back. It is shame, and please do not come with horse analogies. When horse is dead unmounting it seems to be the best strategy.
If universal health care is right, I would say that food, water, oxygen and housing are rights too. Heated housing and with electricity.
"The study is published early online and in the August edition of The Lancet Oncology. Funding was provided by the CDC, the Department of Health in London, and Cancer Research UK in London."
Inna, Welfare system in this country is completely screwed up promoting laziness. We are responsible for what we do with our life and should be rewarded accordingly but with few exceptions we're not responsible for disease or genes we have. Healthcare cost skyrockets while at the same time profits of insurance companies do the same. For many people the best chance to resolve health issues is to get to prison. We should stop this insanity.
Differences in cancer treatment and success varies from state to state due to a woman's access, or lack of, and the provincial attitudes that can guide that state. What a woman can get in California or Oregon is a far cry from what she can get in other, restrictive states.

It's great that studies are shared but there should be a minimum floor that would be nationwide on the knowledge of and what is available. There are some parts of this country where I wouldn't want to get sick in.



I'll do you one better and suggest that we have primary, not for profit health insurance and if you want , you can pay extra for that private room, catered meals, cosmetic surgery and the like. If one were to practice our style of healthcare in other, 'advanced' countries, you could be arrested on a felony charge.
It is not completely screwed up yet but probably getting there. Also, it seems to vary from region to region. I used to live in New Hampshire and now live in New York City area. Basically same insurance plan, but try to find a good doctor in New Hampshire. Difficult. In New York area it can easily be done though you do need to know where to look and how to assess.
One of the important statistics is infant mortality rate.

Please notice where we are. Many says that gov. run healthcare would not work but it does in Europe, it does for our Veterans and seems to be appreciated by our Congress.
Another interesting point is that our healthcare cost twice more per person than most European countries:

Nice point about our VA. It is the highest rated health coverage we've got and it's totally SOCIALIST in operation. Government owned, staffed and operated.

When Medicare Part D is privatized, increasing our seniors costs while limiting coverage and when it was written into the law that we cannot use our collective buying power to lower the cost of medicine like they do with the VA, shouldn't it be obvious to anyone what is going on?

We have among the worst results of all industrial nations in practically all measures and pay 2-3 time as much as other nations. Does the word "scam" come to mind? Anyone? Bueller? Just because it's a UN study doesn't cheapen it's veracity. It was a purely statistical analysis done with all the available data.
Nonoise, It was obvious to me. I even suspected that whole reform was just to throw in this one sentence about government not to interfere with market mechanisms making collective bargaining illegal and sending drug companies profits thru the roof. "Scam" is about right.

Yes. collective bargaining, unions, or any kind of forum that would make it easier for the common citizen to be heard above the fray and logjam of lobbyists and unlimited money being "bestowed" on our politicians by special interests is made to look "verboten" and becomes, after a fashion, conventional wisdom.

One good thing that Medicare Part D threw in was a free membership at the gym for grandma and grandpa so all that Viagra and Cialis that pharma are pushing will be put to good use. I shudder to think of poor grandma being chased by a revitalized grandpa who is now in his second childhood.
Or grandma chasing everyone within her field of vision.
So if that Chinese Classe suddenly blows its content in my face, who is going to pay to fix my face including plastic surgery, Americans, Canadians or Chinese?
The Chinese will deny building it.
The Canadians have proof they didn't build it.
The Americans will lawyer up and sue you for plugging it in.
Your only recourse will be to outsource your face to some other 3rd world country and hope some American company doing business there will think they can make a profit on it.
"Outsource your face to some other 3rd world contry".
That's funny, Nonoise. It also sounds reasonable. Where would I move it..? Well, though it is not a 3rd world country at all, I think I would send it to India maybe because they are in fierce competition with China or, even better, oh hell, to Iran. They would fix it for free in no time and would just ask me to say a few words on TV about American health care. I would both comply and insist.
Nonoise, If collective bargaining is such bad things why then 5 states that have teachers collective bargaining ban resulted in combined SAT/ACT as follows:

South Carolina -- 50th
North Carolina -- 49th
Georgia -- 48th
Texas -- 47th
Virginia -- 44th
No one would hold it against you. Least of all me.
While you're there, could you pick up some chicken kabab and hummus for me?