Cleveland, OH

Anyone in the NE Ohio area that are still stalwart 2 channelers?
How about those of you who got rid of their stereo gear to go HT
only to regret it. Are you out there? COMMENTS

Showing 3 responses by davydko

Well, You will find some rude associates in Strongsville Audivisions, and also some Logans, B&W and Tara Labs products, Dynaudio is represented only by autoproducts on Miles Rd. That is pretty much it! I've had to travel Toledo, Washington, Richmond to audition. It is especially sorry as we are the home of the Cleveland Orchestra (they crave now for money too, selling tickets for 30% of the cost). The world has changed, but!!!! It is also good side to it. Because only the true music lovers - purists in a good sense, will stay. I'm "neverendingly" putting my system together and will be glad to talk about the music and equipment. Willoughby, OH
I've figured it out recently. They are willing to talk to you only if you order HT instalation. That is where their income coming from. Furthermore, they don't care that much about equipment cost and quality. Dealers are looking for expensive installations - in wall speakers, all-house wiring. I was still searching for Tara Labs wire. Looked for good one ($30-$40 per ft), but after 2 weeks I still can not get price through email. So just because I needed a pair of 20 ft speaker wire they do not think I'm important prospective customer. ...It is a shame. No competitors and associates' ignorance is sky rocketing. But enough complaints. That is exactly a very good reason why we should exchange opinions and listening experiences about equipment, so we can bypass dealers and find out ourselves what configurations are making good sound. All we here, by count, most likely have better selection than all Cleveland stores together and individual knowledge is priceless. We might also start some sort of a club. I don't mind a cup of coffee and conversation on one of the subjects that make my life different and happy. (Thanks for the patience while reading my response - I am not an American and my language needs improvement, I know...)
I don't know about Cleveland 2ch club. Will happily participate. I have Cello Elves, currently working on resuscitation of McIntosh MC2205 have also mac preamps Garrard table and as I am damn DIYer, rebuiling Torrens 160 turntable my increadible way. I do experiment. Maybe too much....