Coda CX vs McIntosh Mc501

Hi guys,I own a pair of Coda CX monoblocks, paired with a Pass Labs X0.2 preamp. They are very cool amps with great bass control, detail and soundstage. I'd qualify them as quite neutral but with a touch of warmth.
But I'm looking for some kind of more lush, thicker and warmer sound. Something closer to the tube sound, but I want solid state amps to be able to keep them on all the day.

I have the opportunity of getting a pair of used McIntosh Mc501 monoblocks. But I can't compare the amps side by side, so it would be a blind buy.Based on what I've been able to read on the forums, the Mc501 should be my cup of tea, but I'm still a bit hesitant since it's impossible for me to make a listen, and I've never found anybody who compared these specitif amplifiers.
Speakers are Rosso Fiorentino Siena.

Will I get what I'm looking for with these amps? What could I lose when leaving the Codas? Since the prices of these two amps are quite close, chances are that there is not one which is really superior to the other.
Are there some people who have been able to hear these two amps?(Hope my English is correct, it isn't my former language.)
Sylvanor, you may be going about this the wrong way.
If you like your amplifiers it is possible that your issue may be better fixed by moving into a tube based preamp which can sound warmer than the Pass, or perhaps changing your cables, power conditioner or dac may be the answer.
You need to look at the entire chain and assess its contribution to sound.
Sometimes just changing a cable or adding a power conditioner can bring the system's sound to exactly what you are looking for.
Dave and TroyAudio Doctor NJ