Comments on Amphion Speakers, Please

What do 'Goners think about Amphion speakers? I am considering buying a pair of Creons but I haven't heard them and the nearest dealer is many hours away.

My main concern is that their metal tweeter could be harsh or bright. I just can't listen to harsh or overly bright speakers. They drive me out of the room. So if anyone has an opinion on them I would appreciate hearing it. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by joncourage

Have had Argons in my system for about 7 years or so, and no intention of replacing them. I don't find them bright or harsh at all. As someone above said and as advertised, they are to my ear very neutral in a musical way.

Quick, punchy bass, clear yet smooth treble, and a very - not sure the right word really, but "engaging" comes to mind, as does realistic, midrange.

And very beautiful to look at.