Comments pls.: TEAC vs Marantz CD/SACD players

Would appreciate your thoughts on the TEAC Distinction Series CD-3000 vs Marantz SA-11S3- especially from any that have heard or own either. I'm in the process of reading as much as I can find about them. Have searched the forums here as well. Both are audio only, can do CD & SACD and offer balanced XLR out. Both accommodate a range of digital inputs (up to 192 kHz?) including USB.

I'd hope to be able to do in-house auditioning. Goal would be to replace an Upgrade Factory mod'd. Denon DVD2910.

The TEAC is very attractive at a $1000 lower price and has dual DACs - but relatively little info to be found on it. While generally favorable, I'm not entirely sure how to interpret the Feb 2012 HiFi Choice review.

Thanks in advance for your time and comments.

Showing 7 responses by ghosthouse

Willand - apologies. I messed up. TEAC pricing that I've seen makes it $2000
less than the Marantz. TEAC pricing for the CD-3000 is around $2K (not $3K as
I mistakenly remembered). The Marantz is right at $4K. Sorry for the confusion.

That refurbed unit you found for $1000 is sure tempting.

Good luck in your hunt.

BTW - the HiFi Choice review indicates that while Esoteric engineers were
consulted in the TEAC Distinction Series design process, there is no Esoteric
hardware in the TEAC products. Oh well...
Thanks all.
Tom6897 - the Marantz does in fact use a Burr Brown converter. Appreciate your comment.
I do appreciate the comments but no one yet with any direct experience of either the TEAC or Marantz???

Dsper - what Oppo are you referring to?
Hey Nonoise - glad to hear from you. Was sort of hoping you would jump in. I followed your post on your new Marantz. Glad you are enjoying it. Curious with respect to CD playback if you can make any general comments comparing the sound of the TEAC to the sound of the Marantz. I know it's not 100% relevant to the current situation. I hear about a "house sound" for Marantz...not entirely sure what that means. Personally, if trade-offs have to be made, in my system I'd be willing to sacrifice a little detail, resolution and high end extension in favor of warmth and lower mid-range heft, etc., etc. Thanks for input on the Marantz build quality. It's definitely photogenic (wish they still offered them in that champagne finish). The Marantz warranty is also noteworthy. Ciao.
Thanks for your comments Newbee. Took a look at your system - some nice gear [but based on a quick scan of it's history since '03, I'm wondering if "Done For Now" is quite the right place for it ;-) ].

Good to know the Marantz compares well to the higher priced and better regarded Wadia brand.

re warm up, doesn't the Marantz have a standby mode?

Thanks again for your input.
Thanks for your comments Newbee. Took a look at your system - some nice gear [but based on a quick scan of it's history since '03, I'm wondering if "Done For Now" is quite the right place for it ;-) ].

Good to know the Marantz compares well to the higher priced and better regarded Wadia brand.

re warm up, doesn't the Marantz have a standby mode?

Thanks again for your input.
Newbee - just came across my double post (after you'd already answered about a "standby" mode on the Marantz). Sorry 'bout that.
FWIW - still haven't purchased anything!