Comparing Wadia vs. Meitner

I believe that this represents the pinnacle of CD playback. Jerry, a fellow audiogoner was gracious enough to allow me to audition his broken-in Meitner CDSD / DCC2. In my system, the boxes were switched with mine, so they each had the same cables, power conditioning, power cords, and stand. Both were run directly into the amp without a preamp. My CD playback system includes the Wadia 27ix / 270se with the latest software and full modifications from Great Northern Sound. Also included are Elrod Statement power cords, a Hydra conditioner, and a Mana rack.

In short, I think that these are both excellent units. They are also very different in what they do. In my system, it was easy to distinguish between the two within several minutes. It probably comes down to personal preference in deciding which is best here. I’ll just simply say that I’m keeping the Wadia because I think it is a perfect match for my musical preferences, my system, and what I appreciate in music.

What I love about the Wadia is its ability to convey an (absolutely) astonishing amount of detail without being harsh or fatiguing. Not only is the melody and rhythm imaged with speed and coherence, but you can actually appreciate the musicians technique, the weight and color of the instrument(s), and the ambience of the recording venue. It simply presents a convincing image of a live event. The emotional quality is all there. You can understand what separates a great and (justly) famous professional musician from a pretty good one. Everything is properly proportioned, the soundstage is appropriate and believable, everything is audible, and the background is silent. From complex orchestral pieces and opera, to vocals, to solo instruments, I do not believe there are any weak spots. Again, it simply convinces and fools the mind into believing that you are sitting in front of the performance. I have frequented the concert halls, and I’d hate to say it but sometimes the recording is better.

I think that just about anybody could probably be happy with either of these 2 systems. Of course, curiosity makes us wonder if the grass is greener. I am just very content with where I am right now. I'd invite Jerry to make some comments when he gets a chance.


Showing 7 responses by fmpnd

Well Audiobugged, since you clearly have superior hearing and a golden ear, suppose you enlightened all of us hearing impaired morons what such a highly gifted expert such as yourself heard when you compared the lowly Meitner and the oh-so-much better Wadia?

FYI, after I shut off my hearing aid, adjusted my Depends and my pacemaker, we ran the Wadia BOTH direct and through the EMM Switchman and it lost badly both times - but then again, that was to us daft idiots with no sense of hearing or music - you know, all six of us who conspired to bad mouth the Wadia.

Please fill us in oh exalted Audio God!
Macallan25, please tell me a little more about the Kubala cables and what you heard with them that you liked more than the competition. I too have had the Elrods, Valhallas and Harmonix so I am very intereted in your impressions. Thanks.

PS - then again, I should just ask Audiobugged since he is the exalted golden ear and I am the one with a hearing aid - don't you think? ;-)
Frank (Audiobugged), am I supposed to be frightened by your reference to my amps and the tube problem? Are you so interested in my system and life that you need to let everyone know that YOU know about my amps? Gee, I had no idea my life and system or my hearing aids were so captivating to someone like you. Like I don't know about your real agenda! Maybe I am reading you wrong, but if you WEREN'T being sarcastic, then your post is even more insulting, not just to me, but to all of those who were there. If you had some reason why you disagreed with all 6 of us there, then you had every right to respond and challenge our impressions based on your own comparisons. Instead you choose a cheap shot - oh well, such is life.

I guess this is my fault though, after trying to add something of value to the post about the experiences of all of those who attended the session and admitting that it was only a simple opinion and that there are many variables involved, I then do something dumb and I actually respond to your childish post when I should have taken the high road and ignored you. So, I guess I should have expected more immature antics.

Have a nice day.

First, thank you for the kind words on the system. I like it and have nothing but admirtaion for the designers. It did set me back a few bucks but it took YEARS to get it.

On my post, please re-read it. I didn't put any disparaging remarks about the Wadia in that thread. First, I was asked to comment about the shoot-out at my home, I didn't offer it unsolicited. Second, I was simply reporting what we heard and I thought I had done so in a very non-disparaging manner. You will note I stated I had always liked Wadia, that I have owned Wadia before, that I thought it would have been a closer comparison and then I even stated that ALL those players were less costly and acquitted themselves quite well. The comments about dull or blah were quoting someone there. Not only that, but I also CLEARLY state that the shoot-out was NOT with the Wadia 27/270 combo and that such a comparison might be different. This certainly sounds more like fair reporting than disparaging.

RTN1, I am not trying to be confrontational with you, but how can you accuse me of being too sensitive when Audiogeek was the one who disparaged all of my guests along with me with his hearing aid comment (but gave NO useful information to back up his remark) and then you say I disparage Wadia with my simple and honest remarks - all of which were verifed by others in attendance (see Drhst21's post) and for which I concede at the end was all simply opinion and subject to differing views based on all the variables???

Seriously, do any of you others reading this post see it that way? I would honestly like to know.
Frank G, thanks, that is exactly right, I was simply relaying the initial impression of someone in the room.

Tim (Tireguy) for such a young buck you sure have perspective. I agree with you, I should have learned my lesson long ago. I simply won't waste any more of my time trying to respond with honest OPINIONS stated as such on this forum any longer when I have great music to listen as a much more valuable way to spend my limited spare time! Jackie Allen and Stravinsy beckon!!!

Adios and Enjoy gentlemen!
Islandear, I have very eclectic tastes in music. Depending on my mood, I will listen from anything ranging from large scale classical to chamber music, to hard driving 70's horn rock and funk bands (Tower of Power is my all time favorite but I also like BS&T and Cold Blood type stuff)), to folk music (favorite is Michael Tomlinson, but also enjoy Bebo Norman, Joni Mitchell, Bruce Cockburn etc), to straight ahead jazz (both instrumental and vocal - I was formerly a professional trumpet player) to classic rock like the Doobie Brothers to good old Motown. Don't listen to too much rap or country and virtually no heavy metal or head banging music. I also like odd stuff like Eddie From Ohio (Virgina sould music), Keller Williams and String Cheese Incident and Trey Anastasio. I also like soundtacks and big band.

My room is 14' x 18' X 8' and heavily treated so I can pressurize it pretty well with the Kharmas. If you have looked at any of the pics of my system, don't be confused by one picture which makes it look like what could be my listening chair about 2 feet from my speakers. That was just an Ottoman that got in the way when my wife took the picture.

Hey guys, as Frank pointed out, the owner of a Wadia 861 with the latest GNSC mods and I did an A/B with my Meitner DAC6 and modded Philips in my system (at his request). That A-Gon member is Drhst21 and he may chime in for more info.

In any event, for reference purposes, the speakers were Kharma Exquisites (w/diamond tweeters), amps were Tenor HP-300 monos and the cabling was mainly Harmonix (I/Cs and PCs) and speaker cables are Kharma Enigmas.

Drhst brought his lovely girlfriend along and I simply played them a couple of quick cuts and then told him to play his discs so he would be familiar with the source material to get an idea of the sound of the EMM gear. Then we placed the Wadia in the system with the same PCs and I/Cs and played the same cuts.

No to be facetious, Drhst's girlfirend stated immediately that the Wadia sounded "blah" "lifeless" and "dull!" Drhst said it was sad that the Wadia was so handily beaten. Myself, I have always liked Wadia digital products (and have owned them) and I honestly thought the Wadia would hold its own and be very close to the Meitner with maybe a slight nod to the Meitner. Shockingly, it wasn't even close. Now, this was the 861 NOT the 27ix/270se combo so that could be different.

Then, a few weeeks later, a few other A-Gon members came by with their modded Sony and Philips SACD players, one with his Arcam and Drhst again came with his Wadia 861 (which I believe went BACK to GNSC in the interim for more mods). The Meitner emerged the clear winner again by unanimous agreement. Now, in defense of those other players, they were much less costly (even with the mods) than the EMM stuff and they acquitted themselves quite well. Al agreed that the EMM stuff was more resolute BUT LESS BRIGHT and FATIGUING (and this includes the Wadia). The EMM had more air and transparency and simply never sounded bright, harsh or "digital."

Again though, you must take this comment in context and realize it's all system dependent and highly personal and subjective - in other words, all this is is our simple opinion which, together with $3.00 will buy you a Starbucks coffee!!

PS - Drhst now owns the DCC2 and is buying my Philips SACD 1000 (EMM Labs modded).