Computer burner tweaks. dampening, isolation, etc

I looked through the archives and couldn't find any info on tweaks for computer burners.

Doesn't it seem logical to at least provide some sort of vibration/isolation control for the burner? I would even go so far as to mount the burner outside of the computer if it would help. These techniques are often used for players, so why not for the component that is responsible for writing the data on the disc?

On the other hand, I know my burner has the capability of burning bit for bit clones of original audio files. By using exact audio copy and a WAV comparison tool, I was able to burn the file, re-extract it from the newly burned disc, and compare it to the original.

Does this mean that there is nothing to be gained, or is it actually possible to improve the definition of the burned 1's and 0's, making it easier for cd players to read the data while you listen?

If anyone knows of any websites or has personal experience regarding this, i'd love to hear about it.

I'm not sure there are any tweaks that improve how the bits are burned onto the CD. Though I have wondered if the act of copying the data to a hard drive and burning it could remove jitter induced during the manufacturing process of the source CD.

It does seem that tweaks to the PC could help if you're doing a/d conversions like digitizing a tape via your sound card. Like a good power cord. Or Vibrapods under the PC.
From what I've read, the holes burned with your CD burner are different than what came out from the factory. The software does not help on the burning process, neither the damping or tweaking.