Conrad Johnson wallpaper background for computer

I have been looking for wallpaper backgrounds for my computer that feature Conrad Johnson equipment. I have yet to realy find any except some posted here with two nice examples. Unfortunately, the official CJ website does not have any, and searching on google images didn't produce any "artistic level" content. Does anybody know anywhere else I can find some? I want to use it as the background in my media center PC.
Flip Google to "images". then type in (one at a time) Conrad Johnson. And any variants you can imagine.
You can choose to see image size on left near bottom.. Or even limit images to large ones..
I have 7,000 images i collected to do a slideshow as background on my laptop.
Celebs, art.. nature.. space..
I am certain you can find some for your show

Be careful though, more trojans and such connected to Google images than anywhere else. Though most are with stuff for kids. like 'butterflies' some of the worst!!
As long as your antispyware is up to date.. no problem.
I did as you suggested. There are of course many examples of Conrad Johnson equipment, but very few high resolution images that are more on the artistic side. Most are pictures from reviews. Oh well, I'll keep looking.