Considering a move to Exposure or Naim

Hi all,

I currently run a Rega Saturn and YBA YA201 integrated amp. I find this combination to be a little too un-involving. Almost like the music is too smooth, too weighed down. Some songs sound great, but I listen to a lot of rock and it just isn't rocking enough.

So I'm considering a move to an Exposure 2010s amp and CDP, or a Naim Nait 5i amp and CD5i CDP. If anyone has any insight into these it would be much appreciated.

The Rega Saturn is a great player and I'd be a bit disappointed to give it up, but I believe some of the edge I'm missing is due to the Saturn. I am pretty interested in using only one brand as well, as I perceive that would yield more synergy than I am getting currently. I'm not all that excited about getting a Mira3 to pair with the Saturn, although it is an option and something I can listen to. My dealer carries Naim, Exposure, Rega, and Cambridge Audio.

I guess it all depends on my listening to the gear and deciding which combination I like best, but I hope to hear some feedback from you all.


Showing 1 response by flg2001

I have been there . and have been a Naim-fan for aany years. Naim throws a very dynamic, life-like and organic music reproduction, and the upgraded PS adds additional definition, particullary on the bass.

Carefull speaker matching is important, I lived very happy with top-of-the-line Monitor Audio speakers by that time.

I remember I switched back to tubes to Manley gear, not better but a different option.