Considering used towers under $1000..

I’m thinking about purchasing towers used, I’d like to keep under $1000. Some that repeatedly pop up are Tekton M-lores, and Silverline preludes, among others.

Your experience with the above, or any other suggestions?

(Room is 22 x18, hardwood floors. Power is Rotel RA1070 integrated, 100w per side at 8 ohms, Onkyo CD player, model 7030 I believe)
If you can find a pair of PSB image towers used. Plenty of bass, and easy to drive. Can be a little hot on the top end though. Tom G
B&W DM 605 S2 active bass(built-in subwoofer w130 watt class ab amp)Bass down to 25 hz around  $1000 for a pair. Big though, around 70 pounds a piece.
What aspects of speaker performance and sound reproduction are most important to you?
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Rj, there's a certain naturalness I ascribed to my old pair of Tukans, where the piano, cymbals and snare drum sound right to me. I value openness, and nothing to lean like my old Dali Ikons were. For reference, if there Tukans had a bottom they'd be very close to ideal for me. I've read the m lores have that realism or naturalness, but I'm flying blind here without auditioning. Hope this helps