Contemplating move from Elac UniFi FS’s to ex-demo Devore Super 8s

Anyone using Super 8s with Cronus Magnum II?

My system is:
Server/CD Ripper/Roon Core: Small Green Computer sonicTransporter AP
Streamer/Roon Output: Sonore ultraRendu with iFi iPower power supply

DAC: Mytek Brooklyn

Analogue: Well Tempered Labs Simplex II, London Decca Super Gold with pod
Integrated Amplifier: Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II

Speakers: Elac Uni-FI FS Slim

Cable: Auditorium 23 (for phono), Atlas Hyper 2.0 Superior Series Speaker, AudioQuest Carbon USB A↔B (streamer to DAC) AudioQuest Yukon 2 RCA to 2 RCA (DAC to Integrated Amp) AudioQuest Pearl (Router to Server) & Cinnamon (Server to Streamer) Ethernet cables

Power: Sound Fantastic 6 Way 13A Unswitched Socket RFI Filtered Earthline Choke Transient Suppressor Hi-Fi Audio PDU

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@contuzzi I never said anything was free. Everything was within my budget. I've heard a difference with some of the cables and others were  an experiment while others still were a recommendation from people I trust. That's all that matters, Mate. It's a hobby. Hobbies have a cost. 
You've been called out for what you are. Yet again, no doubt.
@jond Cool. Don't get me wrong, the Elacs look and most importantly sound great! I'm keeping them.  There is a 'musicality' and soundstage that I've heard from the DeVores that is another level. That could well be the efficiency that you mention. Again, I appreciate that there a lot of variables, but, that sound is hard to resist. Thanks for taking the time to post. Much appreciated!
@sfar Really appreciate the feedback! There will always be differences in systems i.e. cables, components, listening room sizes and suitability, listening tastes, etc. The fact that you've lived with several generations of DeVores, multiple amps and pres (including a Rogue) over a long period of time is exactly the kind of feedback I was to get when I posted. You've listened and landed on what suits you. This is a living hobby, after all. Thanks! 
I’ve heard DeVore speakers and think they sound great. I’ve never heard Elac’s however and can’t comment on the differences but to me DeVore’s are musical in the best possible way. Your amp should have no issues at all driving Super 8’s, much better than it probably drives the much less efficient Elac’s. Good luck!
You got all the cables for free huh?  Nice.  I’m sure you hear big differences with them as well.  As someone who would call someone names online, I’m sure your brain would hear it.

Good luck with your learning process.

I’m not sure this will be helpful since my system wasn’t identical to yours.

I owned both the DeVore 8 and  Super 8. I drove both with a couple of amps, a Cronus Magnum (not the Magnum II) and a Cary/AES AE-25 and AE3 preamp combination.

I love John DeVore’s speakers. Both speakers, even the Devore 8, were clearly superior with both amps to the Merlin TSMs I had at the same time. 

I  preferred the AES combo and never learned to love the Cronus Magnum. Eventually replaced both amps with a Cary Sli-80 F1.

As I said, I don’t consider my experience to necessarily be helpful to you but can strongly recommend the DeVore speakers. In addition, John DeVore is very accessible and helpful if you have questions.

@twoleftears Thanks for getting back to me. Always good to hear from someone with the same gear. 

 I listen to all types of music, but, mainly rock 'n roll and jazz. I wasted none of my budget on cables and the Elacs will move to another system. You're making it clear early on that you're a tosser. Move along.
1: that amp isn’t anything I’d ever recommend to drive those speakers, even though it is a great amp.

and b. You seem to be proud of them but it looks like you wasted a lot of your original budget on cables.  It’s too late now, but that money would have been hilariously better spent towards even better speakers.

You’re in an interesting position, where your speakers are way better than you probably realize yet it might be your most logical upgrade because of your amp.

You should tell us more about your listening habits, what you don’t like about the sound you’re getting now, what you’re looking for, etc

I'd say go for it.  I use my CMII to drive speakers that list for 7K new.  Though this being the internet, you'll get a gazillion responses telling you to ditch the Devore and instead go for speaker A, B, C, D,... Z.