Converting stereo single ended to balanced mono?

Hi, I have three Thiel 3.5 stereo equalizers (bass boosters). These are single ended only. I was wondering about the benefits of trying to convert two of them to balanced mono operation. Is it possible? Is it worth it? What are the options for doing this? What are the pros and cons of these options? Are there any other upgrades that might be considered if and when these conversions might be done?

As always thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by elizabeth

Well, due to crosstalk, I would say IF you can do it, make one stereo single ended box do the two positive parts (both R & L positive. (and then you are actually doing NOTHING to the internals of the box!) .. and the second box do the two negative parts. Again, once you have the negative signal, you are just entering it into a not modified box. Then the crosstalk will not be a problem.The signals coming out would be left positive and right positive one from each box to the plus and minus of a balanced cable. ditto the other channel. Then getting the output of both plus and minus exactly the same level... A problem particularly if the boxes have a knob adjusting the bass balance. (I have NO IDEA if any problem to equipment with out of balance balanced voltages on the two legs. MY GUESS is it is really no big deal to be a little off. Then the impedance matching.. It certainly will change from the origin of the balanced signal. to the boxes, and then back to a balanced cable. This is another area an EE would know a lot more about.
The one issue would be the ground from both boxes would be connected.(perhaps at both the input and exit if from a balanced device. I have no idea if that would cause ’blue smoke devastation’/termination of equipment function. Or would just be no problem. Even some resistors COULD solve that.. but it would need someone with EE tech abilities to know fer’ sure.