Coping in an Age of Uncertainty

there have been numerous threads here, i know, about sacd v. dvd-a, upsampling, oversampling, etc. a number of these threads have included discussions of which, if any, new digital format will replace what we now call “redbook” cd’s. i don’t wish to rehash these discussions. rather, i’d like to hear from others how they are coping with the “age of uncertainty” in the realm of digital audio. is it better to “roll the dice” and invest in sacd or dvd a? ignore the contenders for the new and get the best possible out of redbook cd’s? buy with upgradeability firmly in mind? follow another path? i don’t post this query out of mere curiosity. i really haven’t figured out what course i should follow. i’d appreciate your giving me a hand. -kelly

Showing 4 responses by sedond

cornfedboy, the only way i'm gonna replace my $500 nad cd-changer is if it breaks. if/when a new format emerges w/software awailable like current redbook cd's, then isle consider an upgrade. i tried cd-players up to $3k that offered no improvements over my nad player in its current set-up, plugged into my melos preamp.

for anyone wanting to upgrade their digital format, i'd say to them: upgrade your preamp! this will improve the cd-sound more cost-effectively than getting a gnu cd-player, it will also upgrade your other sources, & ya don't have to worry about spending money on a hardware system that may become extinct in the future, & has limited software now.

regards, doug

i'm not on the fence, no_money - i'm squarely in the winyl camp. as for digital, as i said prior, my $500 cd-changer is no worse than cd-players up to $3k in my rig, and to spend any more than that, or to spend *anything* on a format w/little software i'm interested in, well... i yust got *no money*! ;~)
no_money, there is *some* winyl being currently released that i can buy - buena wista social club, & xtc's latest, to mention a couple. & the existing winyl inventory, combined w/listening to my optimised fm, gives me plenty-o-software to play with.

if/when there are decent $400 sacd cd-players awailable, i may nab one - that's yust what i'm waitin' for - along w/software to play on it. but, what i'm really waitin' for is a one-size-fits-all player. i'm turned-off by sony's 9000es not playing dvd-a. sugarbrie's last point is well-taken, at least by me...

why anyone would waste their time/money w/sacd is beyond me. who cares if it sounds incrementally better? software is way too limited.


doug s.