Copper v. Silver

Ok, for a beginner like myself, who is a bit overwhelmed, break it down for me, please. When and where would one use silver or copper. Specifically, if one has tubes for both source and integrated, would one be better off with silver for the IC? And how about for SET's? As a general rule, is silver "better" for tubes and copper "better" for SS? Thanks!
The only meaningful difference between silver and copper is that silver is about 6% less resistant, for the same gauge. Go one gauge lower (i.e., thicker) on the copper, and it's a horse apiece. (I'm speaking only about the metal here, obviously, nothing else.)
Audioengr, Not sure about platinum, but...

I recently made a few prototype pure (well .999) palladium interconnects and let me tell you, the palladium took to soldering more readily than any silver or copper wire I have ever used. Low temps, very little impurities, degradations, etc... I feel this is one of the reasons palladium may become the wire of choice for ultra high-end cables, as silver was years ago. Oh yeah, I always recommend Cardas solder. Some other brands are good too, but the Cardas' flow is a DREAM to work with.
The superiority of silver has more to do with the crystal structure than the fact that it is slightly more conductive. Also for designers like me that use bare wires, the oxides are less of a problem with silver than with copper. I believe that it is possible for silver and copper cables to sound essentially identical, at least when they are new and not oxidized.
I have built dozens of very high end preamps and power amps with these various metals and in each case.
Copper sounds very good, But silver sounds cleaner and clearer. Making them out of 99.9999% gold is twice as clear and even cleaner sounding.
But Platinium is the KING!!! Sounds like no wire at all!

I have listened to both copper and silver cables with good results. I believe the overall design of the cable matters most especiallly dielectric absorption (not always the metal).
I had AQ copper cables for years. Tried Nordost B Hvn's---too bright in my system so went back to copper. Happened to pick up a Stealth CWS cable ---WOW! They were magic in my system. So now my ic's are Stealth silver and my spkr cables are copper. But probably not for everyone as there are just too many variables.
I have found that my analog source does better with a pure copper IC. I tried the KK Silver Streak, which is a hybrid silver/copper design, but I found that the less expensive Hero complemented the tt better--the SSs offered a slightly increased soundstage, but the highs were too hot; the Hero was a good balance of warmth, detail, speed, and soundstage. My TT is a Project Classic Wood with a Grado Prestige Gold cartridge.
Actually, gold is NOT a better conductor than silver, but simply doesn't oxidize, therefore being nice stuff for plating connectors, right? Silver's nice beacuse of low electrical resistance AND the fact that its oxide is conductive, unlike copper's. So anyone who any unwanted gold please call my wife rather than discarding it. She always prefers gold to copper...I don't get it!
You really should audition the cable and decide for yourself. Don't be lead by marketing or the periodic table of the elements. *yawn* (sorry...I never made it through those classes) :-) Yes...silver is technically a more efficient conductor of electricity, but it's not necessarily a better conductor if the source components, preamps, amplifiers, and speakers were all created by their designers using copper wire. Everything is relative, so make sure it works in your system before you spend the cash.
A quote from the periodic table, "pure silver has the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of all metals, and possesses the lowest contact resistance, copper is second." So what does this mean to sound? In theory using a length or pure silver compared to an equal length of pure cooper will yield a more accurate signal representation due to these different "loss characteristics” If choosing was as simple as deciding which road to take at a fork in the road, the purist would head down silver lane. This however does not mean he has chosen the best path to great sound. The best answer is for you to audition both in your system. That’s my quote!
Pretty simple.
Silver is better than copper(any copper).
Gold alloy is better than silver.
Pure gold is way better than gold alloy.
Platinum blows away pure gold.
Call me if you need som platinum

good luck

Many people would agree with your assumption. It may be a good place to start but in the end your system and your ears will ultimately decide.
It all comes down to your ear. Listen to a good silver cable then switch to a good copper, the a hybrid copper silver.
I recently replaced my AudioMagic Excallibur II's ( a silver
cable) and wnet to the Cardas Golden Reference. Big difference in detail, and sound staging. The AM Excals were
bright and very detailed on the high end but lacked in bass.
The Cardas GR's toned down the bightness and opend up the bass considerably. Contact "" ask about the lending library. They will send a couple a pair for a 2 week in home trial. The best way to do A/B comparison.