Creek or Classe Integrated amp

I'm toying around with down-sizing to an integrated amp from my separates. For reference, I currently have a Nakamichi PA-7 amp (STASIS technology, so basically a Threshold in Nakamichi classic black) and a Threshold FET 2 pre-amp. I recently down-sized my speakers to a used pair of B&W CDM-1s (NOT SE or NT series) and have included a Phase-Tech FL-8 sub unit. I like the speaker combination quite well. Previously had B&W Matrix 804, series 1s which I sold to my neighbor, but I think I made the right move to the CDM-1/sub combo.

Anyway, the USED int amps I'm looking at from afar are a CLASSE CAP-101 and  Creek Destiny. I do see that the Creek was written up to high praise in Stereophile nearly 10 year ago. I believe the Classe is from the similar timeframe.

Does anyone have a broad opinion about Classe and/or Creek that would translate to this comparison? Or specific experience in a similar move they undertook that could recommend one unit over the other?


Showing 1 response by uberwaltz

Not sure what your budget is as never owned either brands integrated but have had numerous Classe power amps and CD players.
Very solid dependable units with great musicality.
But I am sure there are MANY options to consider bar those pair.
Give us a budget and features required to work of and lets see what else we can come up with.